اكتشف إمكاناتك، ابتداءً من اليوم - Discover your potential, starting today

منهج الدورة - Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Conditions Affecting Back Pain

    2. Overview of Back Pain

    3. Self-Assessment Techniques for Your Back

    1. Best Supplements for the First Month

    2. Essential Oils for Initial Recovery

    3. Nutritional Seeds to Incorporate

    4. Herbs Beneficial for Back Pain

    5. Utilizing Braces and Devices

    6. Dietary Recommendations

    7. Herbal Teas, Juices, and Skincare for Back Health

    1. Continuation with Supplements, Essential Oils, Seeds, and Herbs

    2. Dietary Adjustments and Herbal Teas

    3. Skincare During Recovery

    4. Additional Herbal Recipes for Enhanced Recovery

    5. Tailored Exercises for the Second Month

    6. Special Focus on Neck and Thoracic Issues

    7. اختبر معرفتك وفهمك لما تعلمت. - Test your knowledge and understanding of what you had learned.

    8. اختبار نهائي - Final Quiz

    1. Final Recommendations for Supplements, Essential Oils, Seeds, and Herbs

    2. Emphasis on Diet, Herbal Teas, and Juices

    3. Skincare and Recovery

    4. Herbal Recipes for the Final Recovery Phase

    5. Exercises and Massage Therapy for the Third Month

    6. Addressing Specific Conditions (e.g., Lumbar Stenosis, Scoliosis, SI Joint Dysfunction, Pregnancy-related Back Pain)

    7. اختبر معرفتك بالدرس - Test your knowledge of this lesson

About this course

  • $9.99 / 3 months
  • 25 lessons